How To Avoid Ankle Sprains

How To Avoid Ankle Sprains

Almost everyone has experienced some degree of ankle sprain at some point in their lives. It seems an almost unavoidable injury for anyone living an active life and sometimes results from just an unfortunate movement just while walking.

The bones of our ankles are held together by ligaments, tough bands of tissue that add stability to our joints. When you turn your ankle or the ligaments are stretched or torn, you can experience a sprained ankle. Depending on the severity of the sprain, treatment recommendations can vary from RICE (rest, ice, compression. elevation) to surgery.

Your best bet for avoiding serious and invasive therapies for a sprained ankle is prevention. Here are some things you can do to reduce your chances of straining or injuring this joint.

Avoiding Sprains And Strains

Prevention is the best medicine to avoid the inconvenience, pain, and surgery resulting from a serious ankle injury. To protect this all-important joint, take this advice:

Stretch And Exercise

Focused stretching before and after you are active and specific strengthening exercises can improve your flexibility and balance and prevent serious injury. Try these:

  • Ankle Rotations
  • Heel Raises
  • Calf Stretches
  • Achilles tendon Stretches

Choose Your Footwear Carefully

Select appropriate footwear for the activity. When playing sports, choose footwear that will support the structures of your foot and guard you against slipping or stumbling. Choose shoes that fit properly, that are comfortable, and that help you feel balanced and supported for walking, running, or playing. Get rid of shoes when they become worn out. Shoes that have no tread, and that are ripped or stretched, increase your chances of misstep and injury.

Watch Where You Are Going

It may seem obvious, but this is something we often neglect to pay attention to in our daily trek through life. Just simply being aware of where you walk or run, avoiding slippery and uneven surfaces, and using caution when terrain is less than ideal can help prevent the types of ankle injuries that occur when we are oblivious to where we are walking.

Wrap It Up

If you have had previous ankle sprains or injuries, or you are participating in a sport or activity that requires strenuous use of your ankle joint or involves quick reflexes and a rapidly changing range of motion, consider taping or wrapping your ankle to prevent injury. Your podiatrist can teach you some of the most effective taping techniques for support and protection.

Support For Ankle Sprains In Manhattan, NYC

Ankle sprains can be painful and inhibit your mobility and your ability to participate in even the most basic activities. The symptoms of a sprained ankle are pain, redness, swelling, warmth, and inability to support weight. If you think your ankle may be sprained or if you find yourself prone to repeated ankle strains and injury, contact the team at To Healthy Feet Podiatry in Midtown and Downtown Manhattan.

Our expert team of NYC foot doctors can expertly assess your injury and recommend the most ideal course of treatment to get you up your feet again. We have the tools necessary to help you achieve optimal ankle health with therapy, medication, custom orthotics, preventative taping, or surgery if necessary. Call us at 1-917-398-3668 or fill out the contact form to book your appointment today.


Q: How is an ankle sprain different from a fracture?
A: A fracture is a break in the bone or bones of the ankle while a sprain is an injury to the ligaments. These are differentiated through a series of tests. Your podiatrist will take x-rays to look for broken bones. If not broken bones are found they may order an MRI or CT scan to evaluate the other structures in your ankle to identify where your injuries are.

Q: If it is just a sprain, do I need to see a doctor?
A: Yes, seeing a doctor to identify exactly which ligaments are injured and getting the proper bracing system put in place will be key to recovering from an ankle sprain. Ankle sprains must be treated as soon as possible after the injury for best results. Inappropriate or inadequate care of an ankle fracture can result in long term ankle pain, swelling, and repeated ankle sprains for life.

Q: I sprain my ankle a lot. Is there something I can do?
A: Chronic ankle sprains indicate that you may have some weakness or loose ligaments in your ankle. This is a common and painful problem that often arises from an ankle sprain that did not heal properly. You should see your podiatrist for testing to identify which structures are weakened. Often a brace and physical therapy can significantly aid in preventing these injuries. If the issue continues surgical tightening of the ligaments may be necessary to restore proper function.

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